Thursday, July 24, 2003

Now that I've started to use HTML 4, I can't stop. Updating the Flinders Finale site this week, I changed everything over to style sheets. Down with font tags! I like deleting stuff. So now the site's updated, validated and checked for accessibility with Bobby. The guestbook doesn't check out on either count... I ran a page through Watchfire's WebXACT and, like A-Prompt, it warns me to supply a transcript for a non-existent audio file. The programs mistake my Australian e-mail address (ending in .au) for an audio file with the extension .au . I do my best to make my pages accessible and advocate for an accessible Web, so it's frustrating to see tools like these waste Web site authors/designers/maintainers' time. The user checks given in Bobby's reports (another Watchfire service) are less alarming and, I feel, encourage people to take another look at their pages rather than making it all look too difficult or time consuming. Anyway, I guess I better fix up the access issues on my main site before I go ranting about accessibility checkers...

Our dog, after sharing some apricot jam on toast, has made it clear that I'm obsessed with it all, left his spot by the heater, and gone to bed. How embarrassing, the dog knows best.

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