Thursday, September 01, 2005

Musically Challenged 

My sister went to the local music shop today to buy three CDs - The Traveling Wilburys Volume 1, a Creedence double CD and the soundtrack to Dirty Dancing. That's two potential Father's Day prezzies and one for us to dag about to on the way home.

From previous enquiries, I knew that The Traveling Wilburys is no longer available in the shops. The reason given involved record companies and a deceased member's estate. Megan asked again and we heard the same story.

Then she asked about Creedence. They told us you can't buy any Creedence CDs in the shops at the moment because they're changing record labels.

Dirty Dancing? Like the Creedence catalogue, it hasn't been available in the shops for six months. A re-mastered version with more tracks (possibly those from the second soundtrack album?) will be released soon.

No worries, we said, and just for once I left a music shop without any music.

Update: The music shop called today (02/09/05) to say that they may be able to source some of the CDs. Our challenging music requests might be met after all.

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