Saturday, May 06, 2006
Long Way, Baby
My last weekend in Augusta, I've just realised. I should be off walking in the bush tomorrow, or... what? Campbell stayed last night, that was a good start. We set him up with the Walkman, and set up Pink Panther with some headphones too. Pink panther isn't listening to anything at all but Campbell listened to FatBoy Slim. I finished reading Nick Earls' Perfect Skin for my last book group meeting too. The book's main character gets himself into some embarrassing situations, so it didn't surprise me when I pulled the book out to test a magnifier at the optometrist's and magnified the words . That's on page 161, if you're wondering. I don't think I'm quite ready for a magnifier just yet.
I promised Janet I'd blog some pics of my flat but the light wasn't good when we went up on Thursday. Can't say it looks all that brilliant without any furniture. My farmyard-themed kitchenware isn't likely to improve the view much either. On the upside, my geranium and violets are already positioned outside my door, I just hope they aren't cleared away in tomorrow's garden busy bee.
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