Saturday, October 07, 2006

Barefoot and Dibbling 

I'm not sure what dibbling is but I guess dibblers do it. Caelan's circus group, lead by a woman called Isobel Necessary, performed at City Farm today. In the practice sessions, the children listened when Isobel cracked her whip but during the week, the whip was nicked! Who nicks an animal tamer's whip? Grrr. Fortunately, the children, dressed as animals (Caelan as a lion), could roll through hoops and onto mats for muchg applause. City Farm celebrated the Noongar season of Kambarang today and we listened to the very groovy City Farm Chameleon Band, ate lentil burgers, learnt about the Enough is Enough Campaign in Defence of Aboriginal Culture, checked out the Proper / Deadly t-shirts and caps, picked up Save Yarragadee stickers, and watched some marsupial puppets rap about the environment.

Which brings me to dibblers. I don't remember hearing much about them but a dibbler starred in one of the skits today. On Thursday I listened in to an interview conducted for BCWA's Consumer Voice audio magazine with Perth Zoo CEO Susan Hunt. The zoo breeds dibblers! After seeing an orangatan at the zoo with a crate or a bag over its head during my last visit to the zoo, I felt happy to hear that Tamara the orangatan will be released in Sumatra. Perth Zoo is re-stocking the planet with animals, how cool is that?

After all the moving about in the sun, I walked barefoot down Stirling Highway to catch a bus. I wear boots nearly everywhere I go, but whenever I wear sandals or slip-on-y type shoes, I want to take them off. Now's the time to do it because I think it won't be much longer and it'll be too hot.

Tomorrow I'm heading down south for a dentist appointment Monday. I'm hoping to get a friand while I'm down there, and maybe a swim at the pool.

Ha, I just posted a post linking to blogs talking about things they did in Perth, and a few minutes later my bloglines updates with your post!

I will quickly go and edit my post! :D

Good luck with the dentist tomorrow!

LOL, Simone - you are way too quick! Here I am, re-editing the post because I forgot to name the season and link to City Farm, and you've already read it! The Chameleo Band gigs are listed at the City Farm site, btw. Thanks for the good dentist vibes! :-)
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